CITR clients are at one click away from the products they’ve been searching for. is the most performing platform for promoting online assets in insolvency and in bankruptcy, which is handling an assets portfolio with an estimated value of over 500 M. Euro, found in different capitalization stages, out of which 5000 grouped products are put out for sale.
85 Million Euros is the total sum obtained from capitalizing the company assets managed in in 2016. Over 100 Mil. Euros is the total sum obtained from capitalizing the company assets in 2017.
150 de experți care oferă soluții personalizate pentru întreprinderile aflate în dificultate, 20 de manageri de conducere specializați în diverse domenii, 80 de profesioniști specializați în insolvență și 8 echipe multidisciplinare; CITR a gestionat procedura de insolvență pentru peste 950 de companii care operează la nivel național.